Is There an Effective Crohns Disease Treatment?

3 min read

Increasing numbers of sufferers are seeking a natural Crohns Disease treatment to alleviate the dreadful symptoms of this condition and to avoid the unpleasant side effects of many prescription medications. Although is some cases conventional drugs are necessary, natural alternatives as well as dietary changes can help keep the condition in check.

Crohns Disease is a chronic inflammatory disease of the intestines often confused with ulcerative colitis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBD). It can affect the digestive system at any point from beginning to end and usually vacillates between periods of remission and relapse. Between five hundred thousand and two million Americans experience the symptoms of Crohns Disease at any time.

Symptoms of Crohns Disease include fever, fatigue, stomach aches and cramping, rectal bleeding, frequent diarrhea and loss of appetite leading to weight loss and malnutrition. These symptoms tend to be intermittent. Periods of illness are often followed by periods where no symptoms are apparent. An effective Crohns disease treatment will increase the length of remission periods and reduce the occurrence of symptoms.

Sixty five percent of people with this disease have an inflamed large intestine; the other thirty five percent of sufferers have inflamed small intestines. The inflamed areas are often separated by areas of normal tissues. Diet can either improve or exacerbate these symptoms.

A good Crohns Disease diet will contain a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables to maximize both fiber and nutritional intake. However, supplementation is usually necessary to compensate for the body’s reduced ability to absorb nutrients. One of the serious problems suffered by patients with Crohns disease is that they cannot digest and properly absorb nutrients and therefore can be malnourished no matter how much they eat. This can cause other serious illnesses to manifest.

The principal form of Crohn’s disease treatment will depend on how severe and extensive the illness is, as well as the impact it has on the life of the patient. The impact on the lifestyle of the patient both of the disease and the intended treatment protocol must be carefully considered before deciding on any particular course of treatment.

Many sufferers use prescription medications along with nutritional supplements to alleviate symptoms of Crohns disease and ensure the body is given adequate nutrition. Crohns sufferers tend to be unable to properly digest and use proteins, fats, carbohydrates as well as a number of vitamins and minerals. In particular, it is recommended that they supplement with Vitamin B12, folic acid, Vitamin D, iron, magnesium and potassium. Studies of Crohns sufferers have found that they commonly lack these nutrients.

Mild to moderate cases of Crohn’s disease are most commonly treated orally with aminosalicylates. This Crohns disease treatment is used to keep symptoms in remission and alleviate inflammation. Severe cases of Crohns disease are usually treated with corticosteroids like Prednisone and other pharmaceuticals such as Humir and Remicade which are used to lower inflammation and also heal embarrassing fistulas.

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